Great Indoor Herbs – Basil

This will be the first in a series of articles on great indoor herbs, but first I just wanted to start by saying that even though herbs are extremely great for adding to foods,beverages and even decor,they are a great way to start “greening” your thumb. With gardening it can be a little intimidating for the beginner,so let a small indoor herb garden be the beginning of a wonderful world of growing your own food. Since it is so hard to pick my favorite, I’ll start off with Basil.

Basil – or sweet Basil and sometimes called St. Josephs wart is a culinary herb that comes from the mint family. Usually this herb brings to mind some great Italian meals, but being originally from India this herb plays an important role in Asian cuisines in the north from Taiwan to the south like Cambodia and Laos.

It’s culinary uses are well-known in sauces, stews and salad dressings. What is not as well know are its essential oil uses such as soaps, shampoos and perfumes. It has also been used for symptoms such as headaches and coughs, to stomach-ache, diarrhea, constipation and also kidney problems. Making a basil tea after dinner will help in digestion and even those embarrassing gassy problems that sometimes occur.

Growing Basil is usually pretty easy. If starting from seed I would suggest here . Otherwise just place in a sunny window with some moist rich soil and don’t forget to prune the buds. By the time spring comes around they will be ready to plant right in your new outside herb garden. If you do not have the space for a little garden area these are still great in containers or hanging baskets, I have even seen them suggested as border plants for not only their beauty,but also for their insect repellant properties.

After harvesting and you have tried the endless uses in the culinary realm, try mixing them in potpourri or a dry winter bouquet. Whether you use them fresh,dry,frozen, or a sprig just for garnishing you’ll enjoy having something you grew on your very own. So until next time eat healthy, stay fit, read the labels and help Stop the Poisoning.

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